Saturday, August 27, 2016

The mechanism of life

In such a world where numbers are beyond count, the joy of human presence is most celebrated and always dearly welcome. Deserts and hardened secrets of the silence are only abstract nouns, inapplicable in such a world in which the quest for what’s lost is meaningless as the effort itself, because new experiences uncover beauty able to surprise every cell of the mechanism of life.

Humanity in its root doesn’t recognize defeat; curiosity is the force which pushes only outwards, far from the comfort and warmth of home, in an undefined place where thoughts are born from sparks, across the known abyss of human fears and suffering. In this state, where noise is made out of colours, we learn, constantly improving concepts of existence, only to realize that there lies nothing designed to be kept in secrecy, safe and secure. There is but one truth and no interpretations of it, all historians are long gone. We forge our future.

In every corner of our world, beauty is guided by immense information overflow and vivid exchange of human interactions, life thrives outside balance… breathtaking!

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