Sunday, May 25, 2014

An impression

Two eyes glimmer before me, turned with their concentrated blue towards me… recounting to me tales of old, describing me the future, the destiny. There is nothing that can compare to this finite moment stretched into eternity of intimacy and madness. A nonplace which exists in the region of the free wind; planes of existence differing from those we perceive with our entire complex of senses. Everything lying in some form of false apparent chaos, widely accepted in many time lines of endless probabilities, named phases.

These places are overlapped by a region in which survival and creation of the shape of: essence, laughter, happiness and joy; is the single idea which comes from the bosoms of the entire Cosmos. These privileged attributes are added to this standpoint of ours, and we are those marvelous creatures which remain, altogether with the mermaids and the large whales.

Conscious, with sympathies which overwhelm all divine virtues, in touch and embrace… creating our own new impression of love ;)