Sunday, August 9, 2015

Counting time

I can draw you in my desires, lying naked side by side. The breath you take coming from me, so I allow. My infernal intention is not control over you, but in this polluted mind of mine I need to twist and twirl you, any way I see fit, body and soul. And you deliberately allow, and take me in. I know that you’re mine, I foretold it in my dreams, I see it with my eyes, I feel it in my bones – me, the sultan of you;)

This morning, like any other morning, is born on your skin, tender within tender as it is. Your heart, the clock of my world, so I start to count time;) 

And my world and this heart of mine are hardly mine anymore, this skin I live in does no longer belong to me… it’s all yours, my woman for thousands of lives to come, undisputed sovereign of my everything… everything, I mean everything is yours, until the very last drop;)

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